If you are a physician interested in volunteering at Nazarene General Hospital we’d love to hear from you!
We have an ongoing need for volunteers in the following specialties:
- Family Medicine
- General Surgery
- Obstetrics
- Emergency Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Internal Medicine
- We also occasionally have a need for Orthopedists and ENTs.
All of our volunteer physicians must obtain a PNG medical license and a special exemption visa in order to practice in PNG. This can be a lengthy process which generally requires at least six months notice.
Each year we also offer a limited number of electives to international medical students (in their final year of training) and residents (in their final two years of training). We do give priority to trainees who are committed Christians and are interested in either short-term or career medical missions. We are privileged to partner with World Medical Mission who help to coordinate all of the paperwork and logistics for our volunteers and trainees.
Contact us
If you are a physician, resident or medical student interested in more information about volunteering or rotating at Nazarene General Hospital, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Dr. Katherine Radcliffe at Volunteer@NazHealth.org