Contact Us

Volunteer Coordinator for Physicians, Residents, and Medical Students:

If you have interest in mission service with the Church of the Nazarene, please visit

For donations of medical supplies and equipment, please see the Nazarene Hospital Foundation’s website for information on current needs and how to donate:

For information on employment or career opportunities, please contact Human Resources at

For all other inquiries, or information on how we can connect your church or organization to the ministries of Nazarene Hospital, please write to:

More News

For news from Church of the Nazarene ministries throughout the Asia Pacific Region visit

Blogs to Follow

Interested in more stories from the hospital, our personal lives, and what God is doing at Nazarene General Hospital?  Check out some of our blogs below!

  • Dr. Mark and Esther Crouch (Mark is a Family Physician and Esther is a Nurse and does patient education) –
  • Dr. Daniel Dyer (Family Physician) –
  • Drs. Brian and Abigail Ginn (Brian is a General Surgeon and Abigail is a Pediatrician and Palliative Medicine physician) –
  • Dr. Jake and Genae Morris (Jake is an Emergency Medicine physician) –
  • Dr. Laura and Taylor Myatt (Laura is an OB/GYN and Taylor works as Director of Operations for NMS) –
  • Drs. Ben and Katherine Radcliffe (Ben is a General Surgeon and Katherine is a Family Physician) –
  • Dr. Kendall and Joshua Stewardson (Kendall is an Emergency Medicine physician and Joshua works as Missions Development Coordinator for the Field) –
  • Dr. Sheryl Uyeda (General Surgeon) –
  • Dr. Matt and Tammy Woodley (Matt is an Emergency Medicine physician and Tammy is a Teacher and assists in the clinic) –

For more great stories, you can read some of the blogs of our past missionaries: